Thermocompressors, Steam ejectors

Thermocompressors, also known as steam ejectors or steam jet pumps, use a gaseous medium for propulsion. The propulsion flow is greatly accelerated in the nozzle, thereby generating a negative pressure that causes a suction flow. Both flows are mixed, whereby kinetic and thermal energy is exchanged. The mixture exits the ejector via the third port.


The functional principle of the controlled ejector is also applicable for steam.

Our thermocompressors or steam ejectors permit steam to be recirculated or compressed to improve machine performance, thereby also saving a lot of energy. The systems are reliable and run quietly. System availability, manufacturing reliability, energy costs, and maintenance expense are key factors for the success of every industrial field.

Advantages at a glance
  • Increase in the effective heating surface
  • Reduction of steam loss
  • Increase in machine performance
  • Applicable to all types of steam systems
  • Enables full use of available energy


1. Recirculation - Steam ejector

Chose this type of installation if you want to improve the performance and thus the productivity of your machines. This can help increase the average performance by 15% with steam savings of up to 5%.

2. Compression - Thermocompressor

Our purpose-built steam ejector installations are designed to save energy, achieving direct steam savings from 10 to 30% and even more.

Jetomat® baelz 590

Thermocompressor / Steam ejector with flanged connection for recirculation or compression of exhaust vapor.

FluidNominal pressureNominal diameterBody materialTemperature range
steamPN 16 / 40DN 15 - 250

spheroid ductile iron
(5.3103) /

cast steel (1.0619)

-10°C to 240°C
(without cooling tube)

-10°C to 350°C
(with cooling tube)

Operating instructions

Declarations of conformity / Manufacturer's declarations

Data sheets

Spare parts


with flanges and pressure ratings according to American ANSI/ASME standards
