Steam - Water

Versatile Baelz steam transfer stations

For steam networks, our Steam Terminals® are used as space-saving system solutions.

The space-saving system solutions are versatile and compact, thermally insulated and completely mounted on a skid – thus ready to be connected on site. The steam heat transfer stations are often designed and assembled according to individual requirements to meet the conditions on site.

Standard steam transfer station 150 kW – 2000 kW

Individual custom-made steam transfer stations

Steam Terminal® 10 MW Container solution

Modulo station 600 kW, expandable to 800 kW

Steam transfer station 500 kW in stainless steel

Steam heat transfer station 2x900 kW

One example for the convincing Baelz technology

Today, more than 4,000 steam heat transfer stations in the district heating network of Paris supply a large number of buildings – ranging from blocks of flats to the Ministery – with heat, and have been doing so since the 1970s! In Germany, too, there are many cities with steam district heating networks (Dortmund, Frankfurt, Munich, and others) where Baelz stations operate and help to save energy.


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